Herbie's Hut Bardic Fire

Minnesota Live Adventure

I - The Gemini Quest


The forest of Devil's Run acquired its name many ages ago while under the powers and control of The Evil Ones. After eons of torture to all the forest creatures and looting and wanton destruction of the earthly treasures, the Evil Ones met their match. A grand and glorious warrior with only a small band of loyal followers challenged Evil with Good and was triumphant. The Evil that had stretched from Devil's Kitchen at one end to the Cemetery at the other end was gone and the warrior chose the small wounded forest near the Kitchen for his home.

His gracious followers declared the warrior as king and the realm, named Pan-Tree, soon became peaceful and prosperous. The king, himself, set aside his armor and became a merchant. He enjoyed the life and no longer thought of evil threats. In fact, he even took a bride and before long twins were born. At their birth the king declared to the entire world that these children were his only heirs and that when they came of age together, but only together, they would inherit the Treasure of Pan-Tree. Over the next seven years the twins grew to be the joy of the entire kingdom.

But peace rarely lasts and, unknown to the king or to any of the happy forest settlers, two Mages (Mage Osten Greatworth and Mage Pom Flourmount) had heard rumors of treasure in the forest along with the news of the twin heirs. They had plotted and planned and all too soon they had acted. On a new moon night, the darkest of nights, the mages slithered soundlessly like the blackest smoke into the royal summer tree house and snatched the twins from their beds.

The king immediately sent his court mage to search out the twins. But no word has come since his departure before the last season of snow. The king and the people of Pan-Tree now despair the loss of the two young heirs. The land is showing signs of upheaval. Many are concerned that Evil will once again overtake the land. Heralds have been sent in every direction to ask for aid in the recovery and return of the twins.

History of the game.This is the history of MNLA I including pictures. The game was held May 29 thru May 31, 2004.

For more information about dying, see the Mythos of Death. Remember dying is often a major part of the game and can be desirable.