Minnesota Live Adventure

II - Unsettled Prosperity

Story of Kcin

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Kcin at orientation

Greetings to anyone who is lucky enough to read my autobiography. I have been resurrected after the king dispatched me, for he discovered that I was an assassin. I shall now tell you my story. When I arrived in Pan-tree, I was under the assumption that it would be a boring and un-eventful mission.

I was wrong. I soon found out why I was there. The king wanted the land to be more…prosperous, so he invited settlers from around the world to live there. My master wanted me to acquire land for my clan, the Ninjas of Sound, so eventually he could rule the world. Many people were there. There were warriors, a princess, an un-intelligent and very annoying pirate that was followed by a zombie, a fairy and a jeweler with her family that liked shiny things.

So, on the first day there was an… event, so that we could all become better acquainted with each other. After we had all eaten our fill, the royal mage gave us a tour of the grounds. There, I saw one of the most goriest battle sites I have ever seen. The captain of the guard, Cepheus, had been killed. He said something about having a different sword in his hand. I wouldn’t know what that meant until the next day. I was then entrusted with the great Sword of Cepheus. I now have two swords. My original sword, the Sword of Hell, is called the Sounga. My new sword shall be called the Sword of Heaven, or the Tenseiga. I have fixed them so that anyone else who wields them shall then and there burn in the underworld for all of eternity.

Any way, where was I? Ah, yes. There was someone who had arrived late. His name was Solarius. He would prove to be my strongest ally at that time. I paid for many peoples deposit to buy land. Mine is, or was, for I believe that it is no longer mine, perfectly placed near a fortress.

Kcin at the portal

In the morning, we dispersed in search of our land. I joined up with Solarius. As we searched, we came across portal. I cannot tell you what it looked like, because only my demon laid eyes on it. Solarius cast a blind spell on me, so I wouldn't see the compulsion spell. My demon is not affected by the spell. Inside, we found a part of the king staff, that would have the power to seal away the evil from the land forever.

Kcin in battle

On our way to another portal I sniffed out, I entered a fight that won me a purple half moon of greatness on my forehead (your “purple heart”), and four tiger stripes of power on my cheeks (your “medal of honor”). There were 7 people, all of whom were mighty warriors, but considering that I’m the one who is still standing, I think that you can tell who was better. To make a long story short, I absolutely demolished, maimed, killed, mauled, and mutilated them all, with only about 10 strokes of the mighty Sounga… oh, and the help of my 10 oz. Healing potion.

After the battle, one of them escaped, only to tell the pirate I attacked them. I attacked them!? They attacked me!!! Any way, on my way to count my bootie, I left it with someone I thought that I could trust, the jeweler. NEVER leave your treasure with a jeweler. Oh, and then, the pirate ambushed me. But, of course, the big, tall, “mighty” pirate ran away like the child that he is. Then, when I went back to my treasure, I assumed that the pirate stole my treasure, since he also took off with my weapons. The pirate succeeded in evading me the whole time that I was there.

Kcin accused of being an assassin

Eventually, we all succeeded in bringing all of the pieces of the staff. The King declare assassination illegal and assassins, if proven, to be punished with death; and I was killed. They stuck my head on a pike, and they sent my body to my master. Of course, my master acquired my head, and with the help of a necromancer and a top-notch mage, they all found out what happened, and my new name is Sesshomaru, the Lord of Demons. I have acquired that name because of the demon that is under my utmost and unbreakable control, a jinni named Zarkstrauth. My friends, it seems that I must go.

There is a class that I must teach on the arts of assassination. I bid you farewell, and will fill you in the next time that I have a chance.

Kcin with trophy from game

Special Note: Kcin holds the trophy sword presented to him at the Bardic Circle for outstanding player.

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