Fairies Gnomes

Minnesota Live Adventure

III - Grand Carnival

Celebration of the Rabbit


It has been 5 years of peace and plenty for the Kingdom of Pan Tree since the 'Grand Settlement'. All the troubles of the past have been put behind and forgotten. The kingdom has grown in strength and prospered by negotiating with its neighbors for trade goods and by the signing of treaties.

The town around the keep has grown as well and now provides all the amenities for daily needs. Amongst the Inns and shops the townsfolk have built the humble homes such that the central square has become the common meeting place for greeting friends and travelers.

Spring has returned to the world. The farmers have finished the planting, the merchants have received the season's goods to stock their shelves, and the mood of the town is bright and cheerful.

The King has journeyed abroad to negotiate yet another trade agreement in a distant land, the Solstice is recently past and the annual summer celebration is fast approaching. The square has been set for a grand carnival and word has gone out to the neighboring kingdoms:

This game was held June 23 (Friday) to June 25 (Sunday), 2006. The history of the game is now available. The cast of characters who played in the game, and a personal recollection of a special character, Shesshomaru.

By order of King Fred Frederick Frederickson, Monarch of Pan Tree.

Come one, come all! The festival of the Rabbit shall be held on the town square, Freya's day and Saturn's day following the Solstice of Summer. There shall be games of skill and chance, food and drink aplenty, camaraderie, celebration, displays of magic and foolery, and finally the annual Blessing of the Rabbit to bring good harvest and prosperity!

Awards shall be provided for the winners of the games and for other grand displays!

Join us for this event and share in our joy and friendship for all. Bring your wares and trade, or services for barter.

All are welcome!

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