Shesshomaru Victum

Minnesota Live Adventure

III - Grand Carnival

Celebration of the Rabbit

Story of Shesshomaru

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Hello! My name is Shesh, and I am …or was …an assassin. So …you want to know about my latest adventure in Pan-Tree, is it? Well, tell that person behind you to stop their jabbering and listen. When I arrived in Pan-Tree, there was…too much peace. Moreover, tranquility. Nevertheless, if my plans went how I wanted them to, that would all end. You see, I went back into Pan-Tree, so that I could kill the king, and had been trying to do so for the past 5 years. Anyway, where was I…?

Oh, yes, peace and tranquility. Since that was what they called the "Festival of the Rabbit", which everyone was celebrating. If you ask me, it was not much of a celebration…just good food and games. However, the next day was when the fun really started. We went up to the Rabbit Shrine to pay the tribute that was not there because I had, well…stolen it. Muahahahahaha….anyway, when we got there, someone had killed the Rabbit Spirit. Honestly, I could not have cared less, but it seemed to affect the Rabbit Priestess, (who, I later found out, was playing both sides of the table if you know what I mean.). Therefore, we set out to try to find who killed the Rabbit Spirit, but I didn't care. I wanted to find my old Fox Clan friends, who were the assassins in Pan-Tree.

Nevertheless, what DID happen was that I teamed up with this other ninja who I wouldn't really call a ninja (no silence in his moves) and two "blood thirsty pirates (who I recruited to the Fox Clan assassins later on). But we happened upon a dragons den, and guess what? ...hey I said guess…o.k., well you're wrong. I found this awesome dragon's tooth dagger that pierced any non-magical armor. So, the two pirates, the wanna-be ninja, and I set off to find who killed the Rabbit Spirit (who I will now just call R.S.). However, there seemed to be this rock troll by the name of Thud, who impeded our path. So, we fought him, but you know what? These two monks (who did not really do monk-like things) stole what we were trying to steal! How rude is that? I still do not know what was in that bag…and the bag also seemed to animate the troll, so then he just stood still. We poked and prodded him until we were sure that he would not attack us again.

After we found the essence of the frog shrine (F.R.E.), we learned that we must not find out who killed the R.S., that did not matter, for we must either open or seal the portal of evil. Take a guess at I wanted to do…I said guess…well, guess again…o.k. yes, I wanted to open it. Therefore, we took the F.S.E. back to the leader of the Fox Clan (whom I had identified a little while earlier) and he "guarded them for me. So…we continued our little scavenger hunt until we found a good amount of essences of the Shrines. However, as it seems…the others wanted to close it, not open it. In addition, it cannot be split in half…so you see my conundrum.

Hey…I am an assassin…get it? It doesn't matter who stands in my way, I'll kill 'em. So, since the monks stole my, rather the, bag that I wanted to steal from the troll…they died first. Oh, but then there was an absolute massacre of the good people. You see, some of them had stolen…well, one of them stole… the shrine essences from a…not so capable warrior that I had asked to guard them. I wanted to kill him, too, but the good people had first priority of blade. Therefore, we set their little hut on fire and then they had to come out… and they died. They came back as reincarnations of themselves but who had to help us. They had to help us find the essences, which were not in the hut as we thought they were…but anyway, they didn't have them.

We laid an ambush at the portal, which I had conveniently discovered the password for it. So…we waited…and waited…and waited…and we waited some more…but, guess what we did then…yeah, some more waiting. Finally, they showed up. I used my magic to make granite come out op the earth and make them stay in place (which they were "protected from", I still don't know how), but needless to say, it didn't work. So me and me cronies made them hand over their stuff, but you know what? Those idiots of good kept stealing back the stuff and it took us at least a half an hour to open it. The leader of the fox made me read the spell to open the portal…an honor, isn't it? No. it's not. Never read a spell from the leader of an assassin group, no matter how high you are in the rankings. Why? Just shut up and take my advice and let me finish the story. So, I read the spell, but someone kept trying to spin it their way, but to no avail.

BOOOOOOOOOM! It opened. We all fell to the ground unconscious, and as it turned out, the very essence of my being was ripped, kicked and spit on into a quadrillion pieces. Strangely enough, they all landed in a nice, neat little shape that the god of oblivion (hell is the waiting room for oblivion, but I was so evil I didn't have to wait.) could piece back together. And now he is making me…ouch, stop sticking that metal in my arm…tell you my story. Excuse me, I must be force fed rats and snakes and I need to be boiled in the finest oils for my sins. And tomorrow, guess what I get to do…go on, guess…nope! I get to be dismembered alive, and then it starts over again…for ever…and ever…and ever....

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