Minnesota Live Adventure

IV - Horn and Claw

Cast of Characters

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Amber; human/elf; Jeweler, butcher, cook; can mold metals in beauty.


Ari jul; human/elf; shop keeper and local merchant


Count Aramis; human,scholar, mage, and gambler with magical powers who tends to loose at gambling.


Embereth; human, wizard and journeyman with some magical powers, looking for more ....


Gaara; a fomorii mercenary who travels with his brother Kakashi. Both brothers have some magical powers.

Il Gatto Di Cacao

Il Gatto Di Cacao; human turned into an enchanted cat with a magical tail and deadly chocolate.

Invisible Jedi

Invisible Jedi; human, young fighter in training, still gathering his skills.


Kakashi; a fomorii mercenary who travels with his brother Gaarra. Both brothers have some magical powers.

King Fred Fredrick Fredrickson

King Fred Fredrickson; human, leader of fighters who liberated Pan-Tree, now a tavern keeper.

Lady Aster

Lady Aster; human, one of the twin daughters of Queen Silver and King Fred, her unicorn powers are twice that of her mother.

Lady Rose

Lady Rose; human possessed by the demoness Shai-dah-neet, sells rosewater potions.

Lady Violet

Lady Violet; human, one of the twin daughters of Queen Silver and King Fred, her unicorn powers are twice that of her mother.


Lily; indian princess, trains dragons, applying for a job to help train the resident baby dragons.

Lizzie Lou

Lizzie Lou; dark elf/ with some magical powers, can talk with the dead, does healing.

Madam Zemanski

Madam Zemanski; gypsy, (who knows what they really are) fortune teller, makes and sell magical amulets

Norion Tigersoul

Norion Tigersoul; human, trade ambassador from Skizodumm, sharp haggler and dealer, favorite weapon is the glaive.

Photo Man

Photo Man; human, drafted as game photographer (parent who came with daughter and didn't understand the game).


Pinyin; human, the local priest of the dragon.

Princess Saria

Princess Saria; human, visiting the land of Pan-Tree, looking for princes.

Puck Gnomeshine

Puck Gnomeshine; gnome, woodsman, loves to tell long stories and gets lost in them.

Queen Silver

Queen Silver; Unicorn in human disguise and still blessed with the powers of the Unicorn, truly runs the tavern, immense power for good.


Raven; human, Mercenary archer

Rodin Estendi Zemanski

Rodin Estendi Zemanski; gypsy, son of Madam Zemanski, a sword sell who is searching for a lost family Amulet of Healing.

Roland Marsilio

Roland Marsilio; human, swordmaster and ambassador from Branch

Saffron Yenoh

Saffron Yenoh; sprite, traveler -- beekeeper and baker, can do light fae magic, wants to learn more fae magic.


Sam; indian princess, who became a warrior.

Sir Vladic

Sir Vladic; human/elf; Jeweler, butcher, cook; can mold metals into objects of great beauty


Smiley; human; has magical powers


Trû-fik; orc, sell sword, good fighter but not the sharpest sword in the sheath.

Vesta and Vulcan

Vesta And Vulcan; pine tree spirits, known for making big bangs, and lots of colored smoke.

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