Minnesota Live Adventure

IV - Horn and Claw

History Part II

(Over night, Southern Minnesota changed from a beautiful evening and pleasent night to rain, cold rain, dry moment, more rain, anotherr dry moment and more rain.)

Out of rain

Trying to avoid the wet and plot at the same time.

Little  warmth

Even a little fire took the chill away.

Effects of rain

A dry moment from the sky, but wet is still on the ground and the mud rises.

Return from search

A group returns from an effort to find more clues.

Wet needing clues

Wet and tired, wanting to go on, but needing clues to the clues. The old gnome hints in vague terms.

Preparing to solve

A thinking group takes the pile of clues into a separate enclosure to study and solve the puzzles.

Suddenly, everything made sense, They decifered the riddle (without using the gazing ball). The mass of players headed to the checkerboard. Within moments, the Unicorn Relic was found and brought down to the main canopies. Roland then decided that this was his opportunity to claim power over the land. With a loud shout, "I claim the Unicorn power in the name of the Walrus!"

As game designers, we had planned four different endings depending on who found the Unicorn Relic and who had survived any battles. Leave it to the players to create a new and unexpected, but logical, ending!

Unicorn Relic

Thus ended MNLA IV!

MNLA IV beginning     Return to home