Minnesota Live Adventure

IV - Horn and Claw


Tough Times in Pan-Tree

At the end of the previous game (MNLA III, 2006), in the absence of the royal family, the priest of the Fox (patron animal spirit of assassins) obliterated his follower, Shesshomaru (who was becoming too powerful and challenged the authority of the priest). The Priest absorbed the essence and spirit of the patron animals thereby destroying their shrines. His powers are now such that he controls the land while aligning himself and his followers with the Dark Dragon. Once sly and crafty as a Fox, the priest has moved on to greed and cruelty. He is a worthy priest of the Dragon.

The King & Queen of Pan-Tree having returned from their journeys abroad, with several trading treaties in hand, were shocked to find their once peaceful village and realm in a ravaged state. The Dragon Priest, who now rules with an iron hand, immediately arrested the Royal couple and ordered them confined to the Royal Inn and Tavern and its immediate grounds. Communications with the outside world were restricted to information about trade, further enriching the Priest.

The Queen's birthday is August 3rd. The King has approached the Priest about having a party and the Priest has agreed to this. Announcements are flowing to the lands linked by trade. The Royal Twins, unknown to the Priest, have been at a foreign University. The party announcements have been sent to them with coded messages.

The Royal grounds will once again be opened for travelers to set up camp. Your arrival will be welcomed with the Queen's birthday feast in the Town Center of Pan-Tree.

Open your Royal Invitation here.

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