Minnesota Live Adventure

V - Uncharted Lands

Duke Roland

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Roland Marsilio

A Bardic Tale revealing a relevant scene:

"It is lossst." utters a scratchy voice from behind.

You look behind your tall-backed chair and see no one. You turn back to your pint of Grog and give it a swirl. You seem convinced you imagined the voice, but remind yourself that you've had your wits about you the entire night. Your Grog, in fact, has probably lost more volume due to evaporation than to you actually drinking it. Figures that your back is to the door. Just to be safe, you loose the dagger on your belt before turning around.

Besides the scrappy-looking card players, the bar wench, and the drunken gnome couple in the corner, the Eagle's Talon Tavern seemed empty. Paranoia got the better of you again, eh? Thinking it would be impolite to leave an almost-full mug, you finish most of the ripe Grog before leaving a copper Twig on your table then get up to leave.

"Leeavingss so soon, Sir?" questions the voice. "Pleeasse, sit back down. Not quite done with ye yet, am I"

You snap your head right in time to see a clout of mist materialize into a solid form in the chair right next to the one you previously occupied. Without thinking, you realize that you are sitting in your chair again, facing the ghastly figure. It seems to still be part shadow in its appearance, but humanoid in shape, save the deathly blackness of it. "Who are you?" you ask, not believing the sight before you.

"Who I iss not importants. But whats its I wants. Long ago, a warmonger comes and drives me's kind from this land. Fredrickson's its his name was. Kills us kinds, he does and he wass named King. Assassins and Foxes and Dragons comes then. Fredrickson's falls and Branches comes. Pushes us back theys did. We claims but one corners of the Devil's Kitchens now, but Marsilio's to claim that now too, and set up a new ruler there too, he thinks. But no mores! There's a ways to go back. Tis lossst though. We needs its."

Feeling overwhelmed with an unnatural compassion for the creature, you simply nod in agreement.

"Thankees then. Be readies when I calls for ye. Your rewards shall bes grand, for I's the power to cheats deaths. I's might shares with ye who's to finds it"

Your head clears just as the creature melts away into the night. You feel compassion for the creature, but living amongst the cheerful people of Pan-Tree for so long, you feel almost akin to them too. How foul of a creature to make you feel so disconnected. Despite his wretched speech, you had understood all of his references. For past few years, Pan-Tree has been ever the more prosperous and neither its dragon nor its unicorn have surfaced in months. It seems everything has been well for the small piece of the Branch Empire. Could you dare help the foul-feeling creature? But with the power to cheat death, you could be immortal. How could you refuse such power? You reach into your breast pocket and pull out your festival invitation:

By decree of Duke Roland Marsilio, Ruling Regent of the Pan Tree: Commonwealth of the Empire of Branch
Undersigned, King Doolan of Branch and Vassal Fred Frederick Frederickson of Pan-Tree
Come one, Come all
To a most Royal & Glorious Celebration
Of the
Expansion Day
The 8th Day of this Golden August
In the realm of
Pan Tree, Commonwealth of Branch,
Within the
County of Devil's Kitchen
Join us as we bridge the present and future and expand
Our illustrious empire and reclaim the treasures
Long-kept from us
By the Evil Ones of the woods
All Good Folk are Welcome
To join the festivities
As the ruler of the New Territory of Pan-Tree
Is announced

With everyone arriving in Pan-Tree's town square, it was surely going to be a busy day. The tavern was stocked and the banners raised high for the long-awaited Expansion Day. Things were chaoticly in order as butter was churned and bread baked. Various exotic meats from all limbs of the Branch Empire roasted over open grills. Yes, this was a long-awaited day and it was Puck Gnomeshine's duty to make sure that everything was to run smoothly for Duke Roland Marsilio's celebration. Dutifully, Puck tried his earnest to rally people twice his size into a receiving line so the duke could great his guests. As he tried to favor local people to the front of the line, a crimson-robed sorceress with a long wooden staff appeared next to him.

"Perhaps this would secure me a spot at the front of the line," the sorceress said. As she reached into her pockets, Puck felt a moment of terror, fearing a threat and knowing that some mages kept. many unnatural things in possession, but felt relief when she presented a small precious gem. The crimson woman was quickly escorted to the front as the gnome pocketed the gem. Many locals, guests, and travelers were announced and they, sometimes begrudgingly, spoke words of good faith. After everyone had been introduced, Roland and his subjects made their way to the newly built bridge to hear the decision of the Order of the Walrus on who was to rule the newly settled Dooland.

The Demon was shaken from his plane of shadow and fire when the Sorceress called his name. It was the oldest form of magic that she used to call forth the Demon. A magic connected to his true name: Vis Verborum, the power of words. In a circle of fire, the angry Demon rose to the material plane. He demanded to know who had summoned him and by what charm. Boldly, the Crimson Sorceress strode forward and in some arcane language, bound the creature to her will and with the knowledge of his true name, she would be able to command him to do her bidding. "How can you allow such a creature to roam freely your lands, my Duke?" inquired one of the villagers.

"I, uh-" Roland began.

"Do not fear good Duke! The Demon is under my complete control," the Crimson Woman announced.

Much protest came over the crowd, but Duke Marsilio allowed the Demon to remain as long as he was under control, but promised swift vengeance if violence occurred. Once the crowd quieted down, Roland brought everyone to the bridge, unraveled a scroll and gave a detailed speech:

"This is a time of great prosperity for Pan-Tree and all those in the Branch Empire. With the Order of the Walrus and the power of the Unicorn, we have ousted all evil in the land. Our order is young in age, but both proud and strong. I sing praise to my fellow members: Count Aramis, great mage of Branch, ruler of these Northwestern Lands; the ambassador Norion Tigersoul, ruler of the Southeastern region; Roden Estendi Zemanski, the half-prince, ruler of the Northeastern region; and Tru-Fik, an Orc of great strength, ruler of these Southwestern Lands. Again, I sing your praise! Our great order, with the aid of all you of Pan-Tree, has built a bridge; a bridge to uncharted territory; a bridge to the future!"

"In this new era, many more problems can occur. With new lands we need new rulers. Alas! But to whom should the scepter fall? To one of the order? No, for to show favoritism would breed mistrust would breed corruption. To one of the land? No, for that would be of folly; to have one to rule without strength; without intellect? As you see my good people, I have quite a bind."

"Henceforth, by royal decree and by endorsement by the Order of the Walrus, it has been decided that the games of old shall decide the ruler of the new Dooland. These games shall be open to all, without exception and a champion will be raised. These games shall prove both the strength and intellect needed to rule our new division of land. The first shall be a tournament style armed combat. First person to draw a mortal wound to the opponent will advance to the second game. But fear not, for our local alchemist will cure all injury. The second of the games will be the Grand Inquisition, a riddle competition that will baffle the keenest of minds. All whom advanced from the armed combat are potential winners of the entire competition. But during the riddling, each contestant may select an assistant to help with the questions. The winner of the games of old will be named a baron and will, in wisdom, rule the providence of Dooland and be inducted into the Order of the Walrus."

"So without further delay, I declare Dooland and the bridge to the future to furthermore be open!"

As soon as the speech was finished, members of the royal court blasted fireworks and the crowd began to cheer. Roland cut the ceremonial ropes, then led the procession over the bridge. But upon crossing the threshold of the river, a mysterious ghastly figure approached with a message of his own. As the Lord of the Dead came closer, Roland beckoned his troops and villagers away from the bridge. The brave raised their weapons in defense, but how would one kill Death with mere mundane weapons? It was then the Lord of the Dead spoke:

"How dare you to tread into my realm? You've walked beyond them now. From the land of swords o the land of scythes. Your walk is done now; before me you will crawl. Your fields of spring are now past ripe; your fields of summer now turn toward rot; now is the time for reap. It is the autumn, which holds the fall."

A stitch in time saves nine
A mark to prepare, a needle to repair
A press to fold, a pin to hold
A point makes hole, a seam makes whole
We are but freckles on the face of time
Due for great deeds or acts of crime
In a conference of either heroes or thieves,
A turn of The Glass,
And in a flash,
Bring a kingdom to rise, or fall to its knees.

How dare you cross into my realm? The all of Devil's Kitchen has been yours, but was that not enough for you, Marsilio? The Exodus is near, and I've been a-wandering.

The dragon you've bound is in flight, the power of the Unicorn wanes in you. You'll not have its protection for long now. Your reign shall end, by either my hand or by another's. Your Order is too splintered, and already the tusks split and Doolan is too far. But as dreadful they are, your screams will yet reach him. Your list of allies wears thin as its Vellum burns. By dawn's break, Pan-Tree's One Ruler will see to your demise.

As tales are told
Mine is not very old
Marsilio will be gone and gruel
Now is Pan-Tree's true Sovereign's day to rule
Neither here nor there
Lost in body and mind
Lue of flesh and hair
In stone and Ęther you find.

How dare you tread into my realm? When the demon cries tomorrow, you will be challenged!"

The Lord of the Dead then disappeared in a cloud of smoke; Roland backed off the bridge and began to reassure the populace that things are under control and that the games will continue. "Any interested participants should contact the Royal Interpreter to sign up," Duke Marsilio announced. Worried, the duke steered everyone towards the tavern, hoping that the impending feast would distract the citizens from the danger.

"I hope you're happy with yourself." It was the former king, Fred Fredrick Fredrickson. "How many of those scouts returned from their little surveying mission? I told you not to build the damn bridge!" It was rumored that the water barrier was the only thing keeping the Evil Ones from crossing into the town square of Pan-Tree. Duke Marsilio said nothing. Both of them knew that none of the scouts sent across to explore Dooland had returned, but Roland decided to continue with the expansion day as planned. Too much work had already gone into the celebration. The rewards reaped from the new area would make any reparations that the populace would need. Branch's coffers would fill with new wealth.

The feast ended, and a great many challengers had signed up for the contest. Still weary of the eminent danger, the crowds gathered to watch the Armed Combat portion of the Games of Old. A great number fell during the competition, but fortunately, a kindly wicken had offered her services to help the fallen; for a fee and Norion Tigersoul, Priest of the Walrus, marshaled the battles.

The second of the Games of Old was the Grand Inquisition, a riddling competition to test the mental capabilities that would decide the new ruler. Half the original number of contestants remained and riddled till there were but two left. Weary, of the competition, Duke Marsilio excused himself from the arena for a short break. Knowing the only way to solve the endgame, Norion read the last riddle for both challengers and gave each of them a guess at the answer:

"What force and strength can not get through,
I with a gentle touch can do.
And Many in the street would stand,
were I not a friend at hand.
What am I?"

Both suggested answers, but when the priest opened the envelope, no answer was included. Not knowing what to do, Norion consulted with Puck the Royal Interpreter for further interpretation. Reaching no conclusion, the pair decided to consult the duke, but Roland could not be located. It was getting dark, and everyone was on edge from the earlier threats from the Lord of the Dead, but gradually fairies began to appear and formed a protective perimeter around the town square as Jack Flash, a mysterious local bard woke them with music from his flute. Answers would have to wait till morning.

The next morning, eager villagers ate breakfast while news of the winner of the Riddling Competition still needed announcing.

"When is the duke ever going to wake up?" asked an impatient local.

Puck, the Royal Interpreter, left to rouse the duke and suddenly the Dragon Shrine spewed flame and smoke, attracting the attention of all. Although Branch was now in charge of Pan-Tree, the Dragon still had a presence in the land. A crowd gathered as the two attendants of the shrine expressed their wishes:

Attendant 1: "And on the night of the priest's fall, the Dragon's shrine was plundered and its riches scattered across by the bold. Our treasury grows shallow and we need continued support to spread the word of the Dragon."

Attendant 2: "But still the dragon's power grew. Even in Pinyin's death, alliances were made and the Empire of Branch prospered under its protection. According to the agreement between Duke Roland Marsilio and the Priest of the Dragon, the Dragon's influence would be spread to other lands in exchange for the continued protection."

Attendant 1: "Magically bound by his word, the Dragon Priest, though still powerful, was stripped of his control of the lands and a shrine was erected for continued protection of the dragon. But disappointed with his acolyte's failure, the Dragon relieved the Priest of his physical form and sentenced him to serve as the spiritual guardian of the meek shrine, and thus the Dragon Priest was forever bound to it. "

Attendant 2: "But Alas! It has been months since our beloved dragon has been seen in these lands! The Dragon of Pan-Tree has been rumored to travel to other lands and it is believed that it has mated with other dragons. It has been reported by the gnomes of Pan-Tree that there has been a large number of dragon eggs laid across the land by the dragon, which previously held power in Pan-Tree"

Attendant 1: "So you, who may be called worthy of service to the Dragon, listen now for we have quests for you and with them, grand rewards."

Attendant 2: "Find our beloved Dragon's eggs. A great reward will be given for each egg safely returned to this shrine."

Attendant 1: "And retrieve riches in the name of the Dragon. Bring each piece of gold, silver, and gem to this shrine by noon. For after that, the one with who donates the most treasure to the dragon will be named most favored and awarded the dragon sword. A blade with an awesome power; for it will pierce any armor be it magic or mundane."

Attendant 2: "Go now, and forever appease the Dragon with your acts!"

The villagers were surprised by the request from the Cult of the Dragon. Years ago the Dragon was seen as a sign of greed and tyranny as it ruled over Pan-Tree. The royal family was still resentful to the Dragon as it still held a bit of the Unicorn Power. But the shrine attendants explained how a dragon, if raised by good, could prove a strong ally to the land. The adventurers seemed even more restless, knowing the gold and dragon eggs lay in the surrounding woods, but they yet waited for news from the duke. Except a few ninjas in disguise and Sach, leader of the Evil Ones in the land had already teamed up to guard the bridge crossing. And also a young vampire Draken, had already ran off and gathered five of the dragon eggs.

A piercing scream was heard from the direction of the castle and a short figure scurried toward the populace frantically waving a scrap of parchment. "The duke is gone!" he shouted and thrust the note toward whatever eyes would read the news:

~ of Pan-Tree,

End of time, loss of that
Who turned heroes old and fat

The One-Ruler - ?
The Rolling 'F'
Of twice ivory
Of Dark Marks
Those who look fair yet speak foul
Those who's honor hides beneath scowl
Of bent glee
By Branch and branch
Of Hallowed would
To dare to go
To dare to find
In bleak of heart in strong of mind

A stitch in time saves nine
A mark to prepare, a needle to repair
A press to fold, a pin to hold
A point makes hole, a seam makes whole
We are but freckles on the face of time
Due for great deeds or acts of crime
In a conference of either heroes or thieves,
A turn of The Glass,
And in a flash,
Bring a kingdom to rise, or fall to its knees

Who hast profited from his departure?
For twas not I who lead him away
Gone Marsilio be, but not yet in my realm

As tales are told
Mine is not very old
Marsilio be gone and gruel
Now is Pan-Tree's true Sovereign's day to rule
Neither here nor there
Lost in body and mind
Lue of flesh and hair
In stone and Ęther you find

A House divided cannot stand
A time to sew
A time to reap
Remember The Glass
Wait for the Demon's Cry
And your promises keep!

Many of the rhymes had been heard before the previous day and it was clear who was responsible as a Ghastly Presence began to wander freely through the land. Adventures spent the afternoon wandering the lands searching for dragon eggs, treasures, and clues to Duke Marsilio's disappearance. Many headed straight over the bridge, but were stopped by a magical wall with a skull and a note at its base. The note read: "A priest must make a sacrifice.". Not knowing of any other, the villagers summoned Norion Tigersoul, the Priest of the Walrus. Norion took inventory of the crowd, asking for volunteers to be sacrificed. Apparently none thought they'd make a suitable offering to the forces sealing the bridge. But after many incantations and prayer, the magical wall fizzled and adventures could now pass. Of course, there were still foes on the other side and the adventurers were quickly accosted by Sach and his gang of ninjas. A brief scrimmage occurred and the Lord of the Dead arrived to collect the souls of the recently departed.

Inside the town square, many people decided to visit Madame Zemanski for a fortune telling. The gypsy was able to divine plenty of interesting secrets from her cards. For one girl, she divined the demon's true name, Noskcerderf Cirdref Derf: the Demon-Antithesis of the old king of the land. Another man named Amend, a conman, thief, and peddler, drew the death card. No sooner had he drawn it, that the Lord of the Dead arrived, but Amend warded him away by expending a healing amulet.

In other areas of the land, there were many horrors to be encountered. Such included a giant spider blocking a path, a crocodile guarding a river crossing, and a maze of magic walls in the Northwestern meadow where Jax the jester found the armor of the Dragon.

Several adventurers stumbled upon a local dining establishment known as Nibby's, under the care of Bebe, a sultry foreign waitress. Next to the local Bistro, a mysterious portal had recently opened up. It is rumored that an item of great importance or some great treasure is hidden within the portal. Some adventurers have recently stopped by the portal, set up a bunch of alchemical equipment and cups, drank from them and were able to enter the portal, supposedly onto the astral realm. Near the portal opening, there was a table with several glasses of liquid on it. The cups were marked with various designs and had notes on them revealing what they do (to be revealed after being drunk from). After drinking from the cups, some adventurers gained the ability to enter the Astral Realm for a short while, or other effects had occurred depending on which potion was taken. Some were not very pleasant as at least one of the ninja gang fell poisoned after entering the Astral Realm. But after many tries, a mysterious large locked chest was removed from the portal and, with some difficulty, was lugged back into the town square. Once a key was found, the box was opened revealing a large ornate key and a glowing orb.

Another such chest was found and because of its smaller size, was easily carried into town. The second chest had a strangely familiar riddle on the box:

"What force and strength can not get through,
I with a gentle touch can do.
And Many in the street would stand,
were I not a friend at hand.
What am I?"

The Demon of the Crimson Sorceress was cunning enough to finally figure out the riddle and opened the chest with the words "A Key". Inside the chest, he discovered an immensely powerful item, but his binding to the sorceress kept him from using the Sands of Time for his own desires. Instead, he was forced to relock the box and magically secure it to himself.

Several impassable factions formed in Pan-Tree: Sach's ninja gang, the Crimson Sorceress and her Demon, and even the Lord of the Dead had been gathering an undead army; but lastly, the people of Pan-Tree had raised their own champion in Ryo, the wandering kendo master of the Orient. The loose collect of folk felt their best chance in surviving the challenge of Death lay in Ryo, so they pooled their treasure findings and Ryo was able to claim the Dragon Sword from the shrine. With this, another group emerged from the masses. A treaty was then met with the Demon as the young girl who discovered his true name, spoke it and released the Demon from the sorceress. Unbound from the Crimson Woman, the Demon lit her ablaze with hellfire, a pain rivaled by the Demon's discomfort in the Material Plane. The adventurers then pooled their resources, and with a bit of magic, were able to unleash the power trapped inside the orb in the large chest. Smoke flew from the box, a horrifying screamed punctured the air, and an orange fog encroached from the Land of the Dead.

"People of Pan-Tree, your time is done! Marsilio may be free, but your realm will yet burn! Send forth your champions to my realm!" It was the Lord of the Dead, and as he called out the good of Pan-Tree, his minions cried strange chants that rippled flesh and uneased the mind. Warriors of Pan-Tree rushed over the bridge to defeat the Undead Army. They fought vigorously and when Ryo, champion of Pan-Tree, strode forward, he used his magic charm to challenge and defeat the Lord of the Dead. Seeing his forces had been decimated by sword and demon fire, the Lord of the Dead sulked back to his lair, defeated, but never killed.

As the battlefield was cleared of the dead and wounded, a ghostly figure of a former duke floated across the bridge, jingling the keys that he normally wore at his belt. The ghost of Roland Marsilio of Branch came to a rest inside the speaking ring, being free of his prison in the orb.

"What happened, my duke?" asked one of the villagers. The duke shook his head, not sure himself where he had been.

"Have you found it?" Marsilio asked. "Have you found what Aramis sought?"

Not many knew of what it was Roland spoke of, but years ago when Branch first came to the Dragon-ruled Pan-Tree, Count Aramis came seeking an hourglass with the power to transform time and undo events. Someone stepped into the ring bearing the key of the large chest and the dukes sword, which had been found on the battlefield. The Sands of Time were then offered to the duke for explanation. Grasping each of the items, Roland Marsilio again became corporeal and stepped out of the ring.

"Yes", he said. "Now I remember all. Here is the Hourglass of Time, container of the Sands of Time. My friend and fellow Order member, Count Aramis sought long and hard for this artifact. Who does claim it? Who is Pan-Tree's Champion?"

No one stepped forward, for fear of what they would unleash, but then with the courage and support of the people, Ryo claimed the Hourglass of Time. "I, Ryo wielder of the Dragon Sword and protector of Pan-Tree, will claim the artifact," he stated and grasped the Glass.

Roland Marsilio responded:
"In a conference of either heroes or thieves,
A turn of The Glass,
And in a flash,
Bring a kingdom to rise, or fall to its knees

I leave this power to you, but how will you use it? Do nothing and preserve our current timeline? Turn it forward and bridge to the future? Or will you turn it back to Uncharted Lands before Branch or even before Pan-Tree?"

Ryo, bearer of the Hourglass of Time, thought for a moment then announced, "Good friends, I have traveled this land over many years, and I have determined that Pan-Tree was better in the past."
And with that, Ryo turned back the Glass, and time was carried away by the summer's breeze.

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