Minnesota Live Adventure

V - Uncharted Lands

Puck's Story

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The Life and Times of Puck Gnomeshine

For many generations, Puck had lived in the confines of Pan-Tree and the adjourning gnome villages. In his time, he had lived, loved and lost. After fleeing his village of Northwood from a dragon attack, Puck abandoned his life as a turnip farmer and decided to travel outside his scorched village, eventually landing in Pan-Tree. Here he was able to start a new life as the only survivor of the Northwood Massacre. From his storied tales of heroism, Puck was able to secure a job with the local gnome union as a lumberjack and took a revered position in the gnome-army. He trained members of the brigade to prepare for such attacks on their village. It was around this occasion that rumors arose of a dragon lurking throughout Pan-Tree. Puck rallied his troops to protect the village. For his continued heroism, he was appointed General of his village's military and appointed a seat on the newly created royal court of Pan-Tree as representative of the gnomes of Pan-Tree and was responsible as the voice of the people. This was a huge transition for Puck. He began to spend more time in the town square speaking with other dignitaries and in the castle, speaking with the monarchy. Puck was able to coordinate treaties and trade bargains with the other races of Pan-Tree. He brought prominence and equality to the gnomes of the kingdom and helped them expand beyond their borders. He was the first gnome to participate and place in the Kingdom's festivities.

Puck, as a dignitary of Pan-Tree, found new opportunities, adventures and new friends. He served King Fred Frederick Frederickson for many years. When Duke Rolland and the Order of the Walrus came into power, Puck was promoted to Royal Interpreter. His many years working with the King had made him a valuable assent to the order and Duke Rolland wanted to keep him as a closer advisor. Newly anointed Sir Puck Gnomeshine began to gain political power and was a notable dignitary, also known as the Duke's right hand man. But Puck was a gnome of honor and dignity and still swore fealty to the only true King.

On the bridge dedication night, Duke Rolland proclaimed that a new ruler of Dooland would be the winner of the royal games and he designated Puck to coordinate the tournament. But from his close position within the Order, Puck was able to discover the challenges that each combatant would be tested. In doing so Puck talked King FFF into entering the tournament and arranged the standings. As King FFF was still wise beyond his years, his body had weathered the storms of time and was not as youthful as many of his opponents. Puck decided the only way to show his true loyalty was to produce a false entry and assume the spot when no one came forward in the armed combat portion. At the tournament, he called out a fake name to combat King FFF and when no one approached, he took the place against the King. As to not lead on the Duke of his plan, he feigned tripping and received a fatal blow for his efforts from the King. Healed by the Sorcerer, Sir Puck resumed his role as Royal Interpreter of the Games and proceeded into the next event. He had done all he could as the King would be on his own in the Grand Inquisition. As the inquisition began, Puck directed the questioning to each individual. Many decided to use their own knowledge for each round but as the questions became more difficult they relied on their allies from earlier in the evening. At one point, Duke Roland gestured to Puck to continue the games as he headed to his chambers. This was the ultimate sign of respect that the Duke would leave Puck in charge of the Duke's games, his crowning achievement in his rule.

In the end, there were 2 combatants, Myfical & Ryo, left with one question remaining.

"What force and strength can not get through,
I with a gentle touch can do.
And many in the street would stand,
Was I not a friend at hand.
What am I?"

Both suggested answers, but when the priest opened the envelope, no answer was included. Not knowing what to do, Norion consulted with Puck for further interpretation. Reaching no conclusion, the pair decided to consult the duke, but Puck had seen the Duke retire to his chambers. It was getting dark, and everyone was on edge from the earlier threats from the Lord of the Dead, but gradually fairies began to appear and formed a protective perimeter around the town square. Answers would have to wait till morning.

The crowd became very unruly that a clear winner was not decided. With the Duke in chambers for the evening Puck decided he would delay the festivities decision & announcement until morning. Puck left the coliseum, posted this announcement on the town board and proceeded to leave for his quarters in the Castle. He walked past the Duke's chambers, nodded to the guard outside his door and went to bed.

The next morning Puck woke to the sunrise and the sound of birds singing. "Today would be a glorious day for the Kingdom of Pan-Tree", he thought. He walked to the pub to see which travelers had celebrated the festivities too much. As he passed the town square, Puck was approached by the Royal Guards and was notified that there had been reports of werewolf and vampire sightings by many villagers in the evening. The Royal Guard decided they must scour the surrounding lands to ensure safety for their guests. Puck proceeded to aid the Royal Guard in posting signs around the town square to warn of the possible dangers. In doing so, he noticed that the King Fred was still in the pub warning all that would listen of the dangers the bridge would bring. Puck then decided to speak with the fairies about offering protection over the town square for all of the Duke's guests. The fairies complied and closed all entrances into the town square. As the visitors awoke, they became restless and clamored for the Duke to make his decision on the winner. Noticing that the Duke had not made an appearance yet, he proceeded to Roland's chambers. As he came to the door, he noticed the guard was missing and the door was slightly ajar. Remembering the guard from the night before, Puck realized that it was a new recruit and that he had seen him that morning in the town square. Panicking Puck burst into the chambers to find the Duke missing from his bed and just a scroll lying in his place.

~ of Pan-Tree,
End of time, loss of that
Who turned heroes old and fat

The One-Ruler - ?
The Rolling 'F'
Of twice ivory
Of Dark Marks
Those who look fair yet speak foul
Those whose honor hides beneath scowl
Of bent glee
By Branch and branch
Of Hallowed would
To dare to go
To dare to find
In bleak of heart in strong of mind

A stitch in time saves nine
A mark to prepare, a needle to repair
A press to fold, a pin to hold
A point makes hole, a seam makes whole
We are but freckles on the face of time
Due for great deeds or acts of crime
In a conference of either heroes or thieves,
A turn of The Glass,
And in a flash,
Bring a kingdom to rise, or fall to its knees

Who hast profited from his departure?
For twas not I who lead him away
Gone Marsilio be, but not yet in my realm

As tales are told
Mine is not very old
Marsilio be gone and gruel
Now is Pan-Tree's true Sovereign's day to rule
Neither here nor there
Lost in body and mind
Lue of flesh and hair
In stone and Ęther you find

A House divided cannot stand
A time to sew
A time to reap
Remember The Glass
Wait for the Demon's Cry
And your promises keep!

Puck ran to the town square to alert the people of what had happened and send out search parties. Exhausted from the mornings trauma, Puck rested in the Pub as he explained how he found the scroll and that the Duke must be found. All of the warriors proceeded to venture over the bridge to the uncharted territory thinking that the Lord of the Dead may have captured the Duke in the night. At the crest of the bridge, the group was stopped by a lone skull and a note.

The note stated that a sacrifice must be made by a priest or was it that a priest must be sacrificed. The Priest of the Walrus was near the bridge and decided that he must not waste a life or take a chance misinterpreting the note. He removed his sword and plunged it into his soft flesh causing him to pass to the afterworld. This released the spell. The warriors ran over the bridge not noticing the Dark Elf Sach and his crew was waiting in the shadows under the bridge. Puck watched as many of the strongest warriors fell to Sach's powers.

Puck, then noticed, many of the guests had ventured out into the lands through the other paths leaving just royalty in the pub. Puck noticed ever so calmly that King Fred and his family, wife Silver and two daughters were quietly positioned near the door. As Sach crossed the bridge and entered the tavern, Puck noticed that King Fred approached him unfazed by what he knew was going to happen. Fred turned to Silver who transformed into a Unicorn and touching him with her horn dissolved Fred into dust. Puck cried out as his king perished. Sach hearing the noise turned to Puck, as Silver and her daughters disappeared into the woods. This angered Sach but also distracted him from the rest of the tavern patrons who fled.

Puck proceeded to escape to his nearby gnome village and bring all of them to the safety of the tavern. With Sach freed and Fred dissolved, Puck knew that he would need to protect the gnomes the best way possible by staying hidden where Sach and Lord of the Dead would not find them.

Within the confines of the Tavern, the gnomes waited. Many horrible sounds were heard that day and many combatants lost their lives as the bell of the Lord of the Dead rang clear through the lands. As Puck calmed his clan, he heard chanting coming from the town square. He exited the tavern to see several villagers holding the vessel that housed the Dukes life force and the fortune teller Madam Zemanski releasing it. As she finished the last verse, an explosion happened as Roland was release from the vessel and thick orange fog covered the bridge as the Lord of the Dead called out all challengers of Pan-Tree to battle to the death.

Ryo, who had won the Dragon Sword, and other villagers were able to defeat the Lord of the Dead. Victorious Ryo celebrated as Duke Rolland returned to the world of the living. With the Hourglass of Time in hand, Roland asked Ryo to make the decision as to where in time Pan-Tree would settle.

After much consideration Ryo announced, "Good friends, I have traveled this land over many years, and I have determined that Pan-Tree was better in the past."

With that, Puck and his clan of gnomes, who had been in the Land of Pan-Tree before it was known as Pan-Tree, watched Ryo turned back the hourglass. Pan-Tree was carried back to its beginnings.

Thus Ends Puck Gnomeshine's Tale!

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