Minnesota Live Adventure 2008

Uncharted Lands

The Story Line

Past Happenings

Currently in Pan-Tree

At the end of last year's game, MNLA IV, the five members of the Order of the Walrus that came to the Kingdom of Pan-Tree, with the aid of the Dragon Priest secured control of the unicorn's power, thus creating balance with in the kingdom between good and evil. Realizing the five could not rule a cohesive kingdom, the Order named Roland Marsilio of Branch the de facto ruler of Pan-Tree: Commonwealth of the Empire of Branch, under the Order of the Walrus.

In return for their aid to the Order, Roland divided the lands of Pan-Tree into five regions and delegated each member of the order their own land to cultivate, govern and control as they saw fit. With the new infrastructure and government in place, Pan-Tree saw a renewed prosperity through out the entire kingdom.

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The Royal Grounds will once again be opened for travelers to set up camp. Your arrival will be welcomed with introduction to the royal court and a grand feast in the Town Square of Pan-Tree.

Roland took control of the heart of the lands inhabited by humans of royal decent, the mage, Count Aramis was granted the Northwestern lands inhabited by magical humans and peasants, Tru-Fik, an Orc often called, "Ork", was granted control of the Southwestern region inhabited by the colonies of Ents, Roden Estendi Zemanski, the half-prince, was granted control of the Northeastern region inhabited by Gnomes and the ambassador Norion Tigersoul was granted control of the Southeastern region inhabited by fairy folk. The town square remained the trading and commerce center of the kingdom.

Magically bound by his word, the Dragon Priest, though still powerful, was stripped of his control of the lands and a shrine was erected for continued protection of the dragon. But disappointed with his acolyte's failure, the Dragon relieved the Priest of his physical form and sentenced him to serve as the spiritual guardian of the meek shrine, and thus the Dragon Priest was forever bound to it. With new prosperity and wealth Roland decided after ten years had passed under his control that it was time to expand the kingdom across the land where Plum Creek and Deep Creek meet and venture into new unclaimed lands. To do this, Roland used the supplies and money of Pan-Tree's kingdom and constructed a massive bridge to the new region aptly named Dooland, the land of the Walrus.

Upon this announcement that Pan-Tree was expanding, the Order of the Walrus convened and discussed who would be granted this new region which was rumored to be inhabited by monstrous creatures but rich in jewels and other valuable resources. Again the Order turned to its ruler Roland to make the wise decision. Concerned that bringing in a new member to the Order may be dangerous to its structure and granting it to a member may show favoritism and create dissention, he was very concerned on how to proceed. Roland decided to send out a messenger to all the surrounding kingdoms and regions of Pan-Tree to announce a dedication ceremony for Pan-Tree's "Bridge to the Future." With the Messenger he stated that on this ceremonious day he would announce his decision on the control of the land to all who may be affected.

Open your Royal Announcement here.

Summary of MNLA V:

The bridge was opened to traffic and the Dark Ones used it to attack the land. Plum Creek had been the truce line between the Dark Ones and King Fred and his people. The Dark Ones had promised never to get wet from the creek. The bridge allowed them to cross the creek without getting wet. Their ultimate target was King Fred. The leader of the Dark Ones killed the King in the tavern. Meanwhile, one of the hidden treasures was a device that could change time. The treasure was found and at the end of the game, time was reset to the year before King Fred invaded the land. This ends the Saga of Pan-Tree, at least for now.

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