Underhill's Academy of Adventuring Arts!show PDF of this page

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UAAA!'s Proud History

The people of Serene Basin are proud to continue Samuel Underhill's tradition of preparing journeyers for more successful adventurers. Samuel Underhill, a hobbit of notable decent (as are all hobbits), spent his youth traveling the world among the many races.  One adventure after another finally led him to this tranquil dell, where he built a home for himself.  Frequently, friends would stop by for a visit - at times accompanied by new, less experienced travel companions.  Late nights sharing stories of adventures and long days teaching a few adventuring tricks inspired Samuel to offer his hospitality for extended visits upon these journeyers' returns. Eventually, a few of the older friends found their own retirement home near Samuel and followed suit - aiding him in the instruction of visiting adventurers.

After the death of Samuel Underhill, the small community that had built up around his home in this quiet glen decided to honor his memory and hospitality by creating a school.  Many in Serene Basin had learned and preserved the skills and knowledge that Samuel and his friends had imparted over the years. They continued the tradition by sharing with their children.  The descendants of these people and additional adventurer retirees are now the instructors who welcome and teach those accepted for enrollment. Thus, the school is aptly named: "Underhill's Academy of Adventuring Arts!" ('UAAA!' has become its signature cheer.) Now a legend in its own right, UAAA! attracts would-be adventurers from the far corners of the land.

Areas of Study


Music & Lore through song and instruments, plus all of the Roguish arts for the worldwise adventurer.


Dates to note:


April 30 - Characters due


May 1 - UAAA! confirmation


May 9 - School (online) starts


June 30 - Player Forms due


July 6-15 break before MNLA


July 17-19, 2009

         MNLA VI at Fishers


A variety of weapons, tactics and fighting styles for defeating your opponents while on adventures.


Skills in herbalism, salves, poultices & infusions for curing common wounds of adventurous companions.

Player     ®     Serene Basin Calendar

January 10            Garnet Full Moon

January 26            Amethyst New Moon

February 9            Amethyst Full Moon

February 24          Aquamarine New Moon

March 10              Aquamarine Full Moon

March 26              Diamond New Moon

April 9                  Diamond Full Moon

April 24                Emerald New Moon

May 9                   Emerald Full Moon

May 24                 Pearl New Moon

June 7                  Pearl Full Moon

June 22                Ruby New Moon

July 7                   Ruby Full Moon

July 21                 Peridot New Moon

New to Full Moon = Waxing Crescent Moon

Full to New Moon = Waning Crescent Moon

First Quarter = Half Waxing Moon

Last Quarter = Half Waning Moon


Harnessing power and arcane enchantments useful while adventuring.