Minnesota Live Adventure

IX - Godliness

Weapons Information

See the Weapons page back on the home page for information about making weapons.

Don't forget, all weapons must be inspected and approved by the weaponsmaster.

The weaponmaster and weapon smith is Jan Fisher.

Two types of weapons will be used in the game. ............ ⇒

An hybrid weapon can exist. The weapon must have white and at least one other color (grey, blue) on both the handle and the blade. The wielder of such a weapon must have the power to walk the astral plane as a living person.

Hybrid Sword

Real World

The first type is the classical weapon we all know and love. It includes swords, spears, clubs, sticks, arrows, axes, staffs, magical and normal. These weapons may only be used in the real world by living or undead persons. Spirits can not hold or wield these weapons.

Living World Weapons

The sword, staff, and Nerf cross-bow are valid real world weapons.

Astral or Spirit

The second type can only be used on the Astral or Spirit Plane of existence. This weapon is a short knife (covered in white tape). It can only be used on the Spirit Plane and can only be held by spirits. Living or undead persons cannot handle these knives.

Spirit Plane Weapons.jpg

In this year's game, the astral plane will be active and one must be able to defend against this activity.

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These web pages were updated December, 2011 by Jan David Fisher using Tanggaard SoftwareTSW WebCoder 2011

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