Minnesota Live Adventure
IX - Godliness

The Millennial Gathering - the Quest of the Gods
Registration Request

First Packet for MNLA 2012

This document is a WORD 2003 document. You can complete by using any current version of WORD; or print it on paper and fill in by hand, then mail it in.

Player Informatin form

Character Information form

These forms are a WORD 2003 document. You can complete by using any current version of WORD; or print it on paper and fill in by hand, then mail it in.

These documents are also available in pdf format:
⇒ First Packet in PDF Format
⇒ Player Information Form in PDF Format
⇒ Character Information Form in PDF Format

To receive a set in the regular mail Registration Packet.

If you are not using Outlook for email then:

Once you complete the forms, please send them:

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