MNLA HOMEMinnesota Live Adventure XIV

July 7-9, 2017

Location: Fishers Friendly Forest click for map;
Host: Jan David Fisher, Pine Island, MN
Game Designer: Mike Urbanek

A Marauder's Tale

Registration Information
Download Files
In the deep of night you ride your steed through the dark woods.  It has been two days since you last encountered another traveler.  Your mind races as you study the map… did you take a left or a right at the creek?  The sound of hooves is the only sound that echoes around you as the words of your last conversation run through your head.  Did anyone from the last town recognize you from any of the posters?  A bandit, looter, pirate, raider, outlaw and thief… these are the words that the townspeople have used to describe you.
You glance at the map, was that the twister orchard to follow?  Did you pass a scarecrow or another traveler?  Is your mind playing tricks on you in the dark of night?  You tighten your belt and secure your satchel… did someone see you counting your gold when your horse was drinking at the creek?  The unknown starts to confuse you with reality.
Suddenly you hear a growling noise around you which causes you to pause and ready your weapon.  But in the crescent moonlight night you see nothing… you look again and there is not a soul around.  You continue on… cautiously.  To ease yourself, you begin to whistle a jaunty tune until you hear what you think is only an echo… but as stop, you realize it is a higher pitch whistle.   The gait of your horse quickens.
With your hand firmly on your weapon, you hear the whistling again.  This time you bring your horse’s cadence to a faster pace… faster and faster and faster till everything around you is only a blur, except for a dull light in the distance.  Was that the camp?  A safe place, for “your kind”.  A camp full of bandits, looters, pirates, raiders, outlaws and thieves… the only company you keep these days… the glow of the fire grows brighter and brighter.
You pull back the reins, to steady your steed, as you race into the safety of their fire ring.  Safety at last… even if the danger is now the “known” versus the “unknown”.

A seedy man with an eye patch approaches you.  “Welcome to the Marauder’s Camp…”

Please come to Minnesota Live Adventure XIV and bring your friends!

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Player Participation Form
Player Forms pdfPDF OR  Player Forms docDOC
Character Info Form
Character Info Form pdfPDF  OR  Character Info Form docDOC
If you are having trouble downloading these files and you would like us to email a copy:
click here:
Registration Packet
send e-mail:
MNLA 2017 - Request Registration
Include: Your Name, E-mail address, Mailing Address, Age & Phone

Registration due by May 31, 2017
Please send complete Player Forms with check or money order to:
Jan David Fisher / MNLA
10716 100th St NW
Pine Island, MN 55963-9607

Please e-mail Character Form directly to the Game Designers:
If unable to email form, you may include it with your Player Form.