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MNLA is...

...a Live Action Role-Play game that takes place in a medieval fantasy setting where sorcerers, warriors, bards, elves, orcs, fairies and all sorts of other characters are common. As a player in the LARP you can assume the role of any character you desire. The design team integrates your character into their prepared storyline and setting according to the information you provide.

The adventure ends with a celebratory feast then a Bardic Circle where you are invited to share your entertainment talents in the relaxed ambiance among friends. Bring your imagination, costumes, spells, songs, stories, musical instruments, etc. to a weekend of camping, feasting, and adventure!

Lay of the Land

The Adventures take place in the Fishers Friendly Forest, which is 40 acres of mostly wild wooded land 15 miles northwest of Rochester, MN (off Olmsted County Road 5 between Pine Island and Byron). This area is locally known as "Devil's Kitchen."

The Fishers Friendly Forest is a gently rolling ravine with Plum Creek washing through from two directions, effectively dividing the land into three sections. Usually the creeks are easily fordable, but we also have bridges. Trails have been made throughout, both by humans and animals. Those we have made are marked with ribbons for wanderers safety. Land boundaries are marked by fences.The native flora and fauna range from 'friendly' with curative and/or edible properties to 'inhospitable' thorns, irritants, bites and stings. (A detailed account of the plant and animal life can be provided by the Land Owner.)

Remember, this is an untamed forested land in the Minnesota. Plan accordingly.

Who's Who

Host: Jan D Fisher, a.k.a. the Land Owner
Game Designers (GDs): The people in charge of planning, setting up and executing an adventure game.
Player: You. The real person who can read and see normally, colors & signs, for understanding the situation your character is facing.
Character: The role you are playing. This is your persona that reacts to the input your player-self received. You design your character, including appearance, abilities and background.
Tavern Staff: The people who prepare and serve the food and drink. They may be characters to interact with or busy folks that prefer to stay "Out-of-Game."
Non-Player Character (NPC): An NPC is participant who has volunteered to play a specific role for the GDs.
Game Volunteer: All kind folk who help set-up and clean-up.