


Current Game

Dragons' Den
June 16-18, 2023

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Colored bands, signs, hoods, tags and markings assist players in knowing how to role-play an interaction. These six color references are used the same way in most games.

YELLOW = Out-of-Game

* The color yellow means "out-of-game". Any area - such as borders or hazards - or object marked in yellow is out of game, which should be respected by the players as 'Go No Further' or 'Do Not Touch.'
* Yellow may be used by a player whose character is in 'mid-teleportation'. While using a yellow headband or hood to teleport, the player moves out-of-game and re-enters when reaching destination by removing the yellow hood or headband.
* People wearing a yellow band or hood don't exist in the game; players should ignore them. For example, a game photographer will wear a yellow band/hood while taking pictures of the game action.

RED = Booty

* Red marks 'Booty' or treasure! These items are things you can take, steal or otherwise obtain and KEEP when the game is done.
* Each player is given a small red booty bag to outwardly carry coins and jewels. Players are expected to keep at least some of their treasure in the bag. Thus a looter looking for treasure on a dead body or a thief practicing their trade does not 'lay hands unbecomingly' upon another player.
* At the end of the game, the players may keep the RED labeled booty they have accumulated. Some people do choose to trade after the game or return some items to the game supplies. The fate of RED booty is up to the holder.

GREEN = Temporary Treasure

* Temporary Treasure is treated in-game the same as other booty marked red, but labeled with green tags or markings. Sometimes Game Designers and Players have items or props that they really want to be used in the game for effect, such as a spellbook, but that they would like to have back at the end. The Green tag or mark signifies that the item must be returned to the Game Designers or player/owner at the end of the game.

BLUE = Magic

* Magic uses the color blue. A few mages may have the ability to 'discern magic', otherwise, your character drinks a potion, puts a ring on, or picks up the weapon, then you, the player, read the blue scroll which tells you magic is acting on you.
* An area marked in blue means impossibly high, opaque walls. You cannot go over them, see through them, or break them. (We have used blue yarn to mark an area such as a maze.)
* A blue headband, hood, or cloth covering the head, means the wearer is invisible. However, you can still hear and smell them. If they leave footprints, you can seen the footprints and act accordingly.

WHITE = Spirit

* The color white means the spirit world or astral plane. When your character dies, you will wear a white headband. Players may wander as a ghost or be directed to go to the Land of the Dead to resolve their death.
* A being who is wearing a white hood is traveling on the astral plane and may interact with spirits. If your character cannot see spirits or travel the astral plane, then the player or item with white mark or tag is not apparent to you.
. * Communication with spirits and astral travelers may be limited by the Game Designers to places like shrines or temples, unless the character has the ability or an item which gives them that ability.

BLACK = Undead

* Black headbands or hoods are worn by the 'undead,' including vampire, zombie, animated skeleton, shade, ghoul, mummy, wight, lich, draugr, etc.
* Like any other character, the undead vary in nature: e.g., fast or slow, possible tendency (or lack of) toward human consumption, etc. When a player takes on the role of an Undead, they should keep in mind the common stereotypes and beliefs about that type of creature, as these may frame the interaction with other characters.